After10 years living on Bornholm, the little island in the entrance of the Baltic sea, we’re back to living on Zealand, a new journey, new adventures.
A lot have happened over the last few years, just like always in our little 2 person art collectives history. The biggest consequence of the Corvid lockdown for us, was the necessity to end the lease of our studio space in Copenhagen. Then Amanda’s health took a bad turn to a degree that made it clear to both of us that the best course of action was to move closer to family and friends.
So we did it; put the house up for sale, while some of the closest family facilitated that we could move instantly to a new home of our choice, on Denmarks main island. The house sports a perfectly ventilated indoor climate, and plenty of space for both a proper atelier for all our painting and drawing needs, and some of the workshops that we’re planning for next year.
For the second time since 2009 I tattooed in other peoples studios. Trying out some options, I ended up deciding to tattoo exclusively from Majsen Tattoo & Art, the new super cozy shop opened by Maj, our former partner in the old studio. It turned out to feel really nice to get rid of the worries that can follow being a shop owner, and now be able to just focus on the clients and the task at hand, while enjoying the good company of my stellar colleagues in an cozy and creative environment.
This has also provided me with the surplus of energy to tackle the internet again, starting with this new website. This time. I’ll not be doing it alone though. We had a bit of help writing some of the sections that describes various things, including bios, etc. and Jakob, our webmaster extraordinaire, handling the setup.
Hence, I can focus on the stuff that interests me; showing the artwork of Amanda and the books she bind alongside a variety of everything I do in both Twilight Art Studios new atelier and Maj’s tattoo studio. Furthermore, I hope to get writing some articles, news, sneak peaks and other stuff for this blog.
We hope that you’ll enjoy the site! Don’t hesitate to use the contact form, should any questions or concerns arise.
/Iver 🙂